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Are you happy now George?


Are you happy now George?

Michael Drummond

Are you happy now George?

Collection von Michael Drummond

2 Touren

08:30 Std

195 km

1 440 m

Wednesday story time - Due to navigational commitments using my 21st century telecommunications device live posting and media divulgence from the days excursion was limited to bicycle focused selfies. Now that the cell based chemical energy provider has been rejuvenated it is now possible to share and tell of the experience had by myself and Mr DawsonHaving longed and wanted to arrange an enjoyable social ride on the skinnier tyred bikes we possess, I set myself the task to busy my thumbs and cognitive abilities on establishing a route using the magic of Komoot. It needed to be long, but not too long, flowing, but not too busy, and dry…. Yes dry. Dry as can be.. Turns out while the sky and leaves were happy under the suns glow, the roads and streams didnt get the memo. Soggyness and flooding was rife.. But alas!! Whats a soggy bum eh?My perusing of the Komoot app saw me click a highlight, (one of those red circles with a little bicycle inside) teeeeny tiiinnnnyyy bicycle. As it turns out this highlight ended up being a certain Authors house, an Author who is ever so famous, famous for writing all sorts of books, books that are extremely relevant today, so incredibly relevant today unfortunately that it seemed most fitting to visit and document the humble building he once called home. The wordsmith i speak of is George Orwell, and what with the ‘ever changing political landscape’ (does that phrase piss you off too?) it seemed incredibly poignant to visit this place, and ask the question - “Are you happy now George?” So much of what he has written has been in many ways prophetic, influential and scarily real. I shall not go on too much about the books and the themes within, as there are so many to dissect. What i would say is though is pop to a library, visit a local, independent bookshop and pick one up. Or if reading isn't your thing, get those ear buds in and listen to an audio alternative. To finalise my rambles here, I want to share with you his response.. Now i know what you're thinking, “how on earth could he have a response?” Well let me tell you….. Or better yet ill show you. Go to the last image on this post, the contents of this image were chalked into the bus stop opposite his home, and for me that was a perfect answer to all the woes which currently resonate within our world. Good Bike.

Auf der Karte



  1. Are you happy now George? I come to you with a question.

    96,4 km
    24,5 km/h
    860 m
    750 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    195 km
  • Zeit
    08:30 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 440 m

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