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Gravelbiking in Veneto


Gravelbiking in Veneto


Gravelbiking in Veneto

Collection von gravgrav

3 Touren

17:04 Std

177 km

4 740 m

The slogan is "Veneto, the Land of Venice", and it makes you immediately think about gondolas, renaissance and sparkling white wine. Fair enough, but up in the northern area of the region you can find a real hilly paradise for cyclists! Dolomites, Lagorai, Pasubio, Grappa, Lessinia and many other incredible places in the whole mountain range. Here the environment is so various that you can chose between dozen of activities such as paragliding, free climbing and kayaking. What we love the most is to cycle through the woods, climbing iconic hills with unique panorama and stop for a coffee in fascinating villages. From Garda lake, Verona and the surrounding hills of Lessinia to the rocky peaks of Dolomiti Bellunesi; from the itineraries around the mouth of Po river, Venice's laguna and the seaside to Euganei, Berici and Asolani as nice as the Tuscan hills. It's a territory to discover and we want to give you all the inspiration you need with the help of our itineraries and articles.Find more about this region and all of our routes on gravgrav.cc as well:

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Gravgrav Rubel!

    59,4 km
    9,9 km/h
    1 730 m
    1 730 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.
  2. 06:33
    63,3 km
    9,7 km/h
    2 010 m
    2 010 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Die Tour kann Passagen mit losem Untergrund enthalten, die schwer zu befahren sind.
  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 04:32
    54,7 km
    12,1 km/h
    1 000 m
    1 000 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    177 km
  • Zeit
    17:04 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    4 740 m

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