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Apennines, rivers and forests – three routes from Bologna to Florence


Apennines, rivers and forests – three routes from Bologna to Florence


Apennines, rivers and forests – three routes from Bologna to Florence

Fahrrad-Collection von ellierob

3 Touren

25:46 Std

371 km

5 810 m

After riding for so long on the flat, I decided to test myself and start climbing. My first attempt was from Bologna to Florence, and although it was pure suffering, I’ll always remember that Sunday in October: the autumn colours, the other cyclists for company, the open views. This trial gave me the confidence I needed to start discovering other climbs and other trails from Bologna to Florence.

With this Collection, I offer you three routes to discover the hills and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines between Bologna and Florence. There’s something for everyone, no matter your ability. The routes are suitable both for those who are training for an event and for those who simply want to enjoy a day or two in the mountains. If you’re starting now with the climbs, I recommend the first route (through the Reno Valley), then you can try the others that have even greater elevation gain.

Starting in Bologna, the Tours will take you through valleys along rivers and up into the mountains. The arrival in Florence is always satisfying, you still feel the fatigue of the climb and the adrenaline rush of the final descent as the beauty of the city of art overwhelms you. In some parts of the city, there are pedestrian areas where you have to dismount. The city is very crowded so it pays to explore its history, art and culture on foot.

In these itineraries, you’ll tackle the Futa, Raticosa and Giogo Passes, and cross the Acquerino Cantagallo Nature Reserve, where you’ll find the Acquerino Pass.

The three itineraries all have the Bologna station as their starting point and the Florence station as their arrival. You could, however, continue the adventure along the Via Francigena either heading south to Rome or north to Switzerland.

The Tours in this Collection are possible year-round, except in winter, because you might find snow at higher altitudes. Once in April, I set off from a warm Bologna in a t-shirt only to find myself in snow at the Futa Pass. So, I always recommend that you do a pre-departure weather check. In autumn, you can appreciate the beauty of the colours of the trees, while in spring you can admire nature awakening.

Along the trails, you’ll find many water fountains where you can fill your water bottle. I recommend bringing sandwiches and snacks because the climbs can take all your energy away, as happened to me the first time. However, along the way, you’ll find many historic trattorias where they make all kinds of tagliatelle and tortelli (the potato ones are great). You can do each Tour in a day or two days: there are both campsites and excellent agritourisms along the roads. Finally, don't forget a spare inner tube and tools to repair your bike in case of minor breakdowns.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Da Bologna a Firenze passando per la riserva naturale Acquerino Cantagallo

    138 km
    14,5 km/h
    1 700 m
    1 700 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Diese Route führt Sie durch das Reno-Tal und steigt langsam zum höchsten Punkt der Tour im Naturschutzgebiet Acquerino Cantagallo an. Von hier aus führt ein steiler Abstieg schnell in die Stadt Prato und dann nach Florenz. Einige Anstiege dieser Tour sind recht kurz, aber steil, daher rate ich Ihnen

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  2. 07:51
    114 km
    14,5 km/h
    1 890 m
    1 890 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Diese Tour ist für viele Radfahrer ein Klassiker: Auf 115 Kilometern sind zwei Pässe mit einem Höhenunterschied von fast 2.000 Metern zu überwinden.


    Folgen Sie vom Hauptbahnhof Bologna aus den Alleen und dann der Via Toscana. Auf den ersten 20 Kilometern ist die Straße größtenteils flach, aber nach Pianoro

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 08:24
    119 km
    14,1 km/h
    2 210 m
    2 210 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Lassen Sie von Bologna aus die Hektik der Stadt hinter sich und betreten Sie das Val di Zena, ein perfekter Ort, um Ihre Beine aufzuwärmen. Das Val di Zena weist verschiedene geologische Formationen aus der Zeit vor 15 Millionen Jahren auf, als das Meer diese Region bedeckte. Das heutige Erscheinungsbild

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    371 km
  • Zeit
    25:46 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    5 810 m

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