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The LOOP x Vienna 2023


The LOOP x Vienna 2023


The LOOP x Vienna 2023

Collection von gravgrav

7 Touren

92:11 Std

1 691 km

18 020 m

The LOOP x Vienna is a bikepacking/gravel event where everyone arrives at the same time inspired by the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" by Aesop.
This year participants could either ride an overnighter for 27h of riding or spend a long day in the saddle for 13h of riding. The rider that arrived on time at the finish and got the most kilometres won.
BUT participants could gain bonus kilometres by fulfilling challenges.
Hares climb mountains and ride fast, tortoises travel to a lot of countries, collect children's sweets and more. The third category the Aesop Challenges were revealed at the start and provided the most bonus kilometres to gain.
In this collection we show you some of the rides of our hares and tortoises and get you inspired for next years edition.
Eva Mader won the Overnighter Loop. She rode the least kilometers of all participants in the Overnighter LOOP category, but took 12h of rest in Bratislava to visit a zoo and photograph a lot of tortoise for some bonus kilometers.
Tim de Witte won the Long Day LOOP, he rode an impressive amount of kilometres, but also went to the zoo in Bratislava and brought 14! pictures of tortoise in total!
You want to learn more about the event, how it works and read the stories of the riders? Follow the link to our Report on gravgrav.cc:

Auf der Karte



  1. The Loop Vienna 13h

    207 km
    18,7 km/h
    3 100 m
    3 130 m
  2. 12:20
    225 km
    18,2 km/h
    1 080 m
    1 090 m

    Sehr harte Tour. Gefällt mir sehr gut, überhaupt da ich schon in der ganzen Gegend war. Natürlich nicht auf einmal


  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 17:26
    242 km
    13,9 km/h
    6 690 m
    6 600 m
  5. 12:44
    205 km
    16,1 km/h
    3 020 m
    3 020 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    1 691 km
  • Zeit
    92:11 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    18 020 m

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