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Spectacular ascents in the South Downs – Brighton to Winchester


Spectacular ascents in the South Downs – Brighton to Winchester


Spectacular ascents in the South Downs – Brighton to Winchester

Rennrad-Collection von David Bavin-Hobbs



3-4 Std

/ Tag

266 km

2 570 m

2 570 m

The South Downs National Park offers some of the best cycling roads in the United Kingdom. Between Brighton and Winchester lie quiet country lanes, challenging but rewarding climbs, and wonderful views of the rural landscape.

This three-day Collection encompasses the best of the above, traversing the South Downs in both directions, to provide the most pleasant cycling experience possible. At 165 miles (265 km) and with 8,200 feet (2,500 m) of elevation gain, this Tour is suitable for most cyclists with a solid level of endurance. However, once you pass Chichester on Stage 1, the roads become undulating and don’t flatten out until you get back to Brighton, so a good degree of fitness is advised.

Starting at Brighton train station, which is superbly connected to the rest of the country, you’ll head due west along the pancake-flat coast road. With the Channel on your left, and passing charming seaside towns like Worthing and Littlehampton, this gentle start to the Tour is welcome before you head into the South Downs.

The route gets decidedly more undulating once you enter the Downs, but it’s worth the extra effort thanks to the amazing views and the thrilling descents. From here you’ll enjoy tree- and hedge-lined lanes all the way to Winchester for your first night’s rest.

The ancient cathedral town provides the perfect mix of history and nightlife, before you make your way back east into the South Downs, via Haslemere and Petworth, working your way back to Brighton over the awesome Devil’s Dyke.

If stage 1 is a fairly straight line from Brighton to Winchester, then Stages 2 and 3 are anything but. This has been done purposefully, to take in as many of my favourite roads (and climbs) in the South Downs as possible. This way you can explore the very best the national park has to offer.

Haslemere provides your stopping point for the second night, with its cosy country inns and small hotels. There are plenty of restaurant options in this compact town to ensure you’re well fed and watered before the final Stage.

Approaching Brighton from the north, you’ll need to ascend a hill of some sort. The most popular entry point is Ditchling Beacon, however I’ve chosen to avoid the often busy climb in favour of the lesser-known Devil’s Dyke. It’s an awesome climb, with a fantastic viewpoint and pub at the top. To top it all off, the descent into Brighton, with the whole town laid out in front of you, is the cherry on the cake and a perfect way to end your ride.

I’ve included the full Tour if you wish to adjust the itinerary to suit your requirements.

Auf der Karte


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Brighton to Winchester return full Tour

264 km

2 550 m

2 550 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Stage 1: Brighton to Winchester – South Downs National Park loop

    112 km
    23,6 km/h
    700 m
    680 m
    Mittelschwere Rennrad-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Sie starten am Bahnhof von Brighton im Stadtzentrum und fahren direkt nach Süden, vorbei am atemberaubenden Brighton Pavilion, um Ihre Reise am Palace Pier zu beginnen. Vom Pier aus folgen Sie dem Küstenweg für die nächsten 50 km, bis Sie Chichester erreichen. Hier betreten Sie zum ersten Mal den South

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  2. 04:20
    84,3 km
    19,4 km/h
    1 110 m
    1 010 m
    Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Wenn Sie Winchester verlassen, befinden Sie sich in kürzester Zeit in der freien Natur. Nehmen Sie sich also unbedingt einen Kaffee oder Snacks, bevor Sie die M3 überqueren. Nachdem Sie die Autobahn in den South Downs National Park überquert haben, sind nur noch Sie und die Felder da! Ich empfehle den

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 03:21
    70,0 km
    20,9 km/h
    760 m
    870 m
    Mittelschwere Rennrad-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Die letzte Etappe der Collection ist mit 43 Meilen (70 km) die kürzeste, hat es aber dennoch in sich, denn es sind 2.500 Fuß (760 m) Höhenunterschied zu bewältigen. Wenn Sie in südöstlicher Richtung über den Gipfel des South Downs National Park fahren, werden Sie atemberaubende Gassen und Anstiege bis

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    266 km
  • Zeit
    12:25 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 570 m2 570 m

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