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All Along the Watchtowers, MTB and gravel versions


All Along the Watchtowers, MTB and gravel versions


All Along the Watchtowers, MTB and gravel versions

Collection von Doubletrackfanatic

2 Touren

25:13 Std

284 km

5 980 m

Two bikepacking adventures exploring the Penedes region and most of the castles, chapels and crosses dotted across the hilltops of this beautiful region of Catalonia. Great dirt and gravel tracks, quiet paved roads and sea views to the south. If it's clear enough you can sometimes see Mallorca to the south or the Pyrenees to the west from the high points along the way. The first half of the MTB route has got numerous challenging trails, rough, loose, technical and steep, but also great views, fun sections and a real sense of adventure and exploration. The Gravel version is equally challenging for the constantly changing surfaces and almost no flat riding, plus some really rough sections and a but of singletrack. Come prepared for adventure and challenges, but also fun riding and a really varied and interesting landscape with plenty of history and culture to explore.

Allow two full days of riding to complete each of these routes. Some parts are impassable after heavy rain due to mud, and especially the MTB route as it crosses the riu Marmellar around 20 times, although most of the time is completely dry.
Some pushing will be involved on these routes. Strong tyres, setup tubeless and some suspension are recommended, as is as little luggage as possible due to the amount of climbing involved and the mild climate. 3 litres of water capacity advised, small grocery stores in El Pont d'Armentera and Pontons, so stock up in Vilafranca before you head out. Public fountains in most of the town's and villages, or just go into a bar. Best time to ride:
Avoid July and August for the heat,
January and February for the cold.
Potential sleeping places in most of the abandoned towers, castles or villages on the route, although there's no official campsites on the route. Be respectful of the environment: take only photographs and leave only tyre prints.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    All Along the Watchtowers

    140 km
    12,9 km/h
    2 940 m
    2 930 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik nötig.

    An dieser Route wird etwas Druck beteiligt sein. Außerdem werden Reifen, schlauchloses Setup und Federung empfohlen, ebenso wenig Gepäck wie möglich.

    3 Liter Wasserkapazität empfohlen, kleine Lebensmittelgeschäfte in El Pont d'Armentera und Pontons, also füllen Sie sich in Vilafranca ein, bevor Sie losfahren

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 14:25
    145 km
    10,0 km/h
    3 050 m
    3 050 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    An dieser Route wird etwas Druck beteiligt sein. Plus Reifen, Setup Tubeless werden empfohlen, ebenso wenig Gepäck wie möglich. Auf diesen Strecken ist es ziemlich rau, daher wird eine Mindestreifenbreite von 47 mm empfohlen.

    3 Liter Wasserkapazität empfohlen, kleine Lebensmittelgeschäfte in El Pont d

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    284 km
  • Zeit
    25:13 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    5 980 m

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