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Ort: Lolland, Dänemark

Beliebte Wanderungen zu Dodekalitten
  • Das Wort DODEKALIT ist aus dem griechischen abgeleitet und bedeutet Zwölf-Steine. Das Kunstwerk besteht aus zwölf Steinfiguren aus Granit gemeißelt, 7 – 9 m hoch, jede 25 – 45 Tonnen schwer. Die obersten 2 m sind als Köpfe ausgearbeitet, die alle zum Zentrum eines Kreises mit 40 m Durchmesser blicken. Die Dodekalitten sind hoch liegend in den „Lolländer Alpen“ platziert, mit Aussicht über das „Smålandhavet“, nahe des Hünengrabes Glentehøj und drei weiteren Bronzealter Hügel. Zwischen den Figuren, aus den Sitzsteinen heraus, erklingt ganzjährlich, von Sonnen Auf- bis Untergang elektroakustische Musik, die für den Ort komponiert wurde. Das Kunstwerk besteht aus vier Elementen: 1. Die Geschichte. 2. Die Steinfiguren. 3. Die Musik. 4. Die Landschaft.In diesem Landschaftsschutzgebiet erscheinen die Dodekalitten als neues Wahrzeichen für Lolland. Bildhauerkunst und neu komponierte Musik wirken als lokale Innovation.Der Bildhauer ist Thomas Kadziola und der Komponist ist Wayne Siegel.
    Dodekalitten ist das ganze Jahr offen und der Eintritt ist frei.

    • 7. Oktober 2020

  • Google Translation of Wikipedia for those not so fluent in Danish: Dodekalitten is a work of art under construction at Glentehøj (Kragenæs) on Lolland with a view of the Småland Sea about 300 m from the coast. The circle has 12 stone pillars, each 7-9 meters high, with the top 2 meters carved as heads. From the circle's sitting stone, electroacoustic music sounds in the bright hours of the day.
    The basic idea behind the artwork was created by composer Gunner Møller Pedersen and sculptor Thomas Kadziola. Gunnar Møller Pedersen invented the legend of the lolers, a fictional people who link the work of art to a performance about the people who immigrated to Lolland for approx. 7,500 years ago.
    The first chisel blow took place in November 2010, but at some point a conflict arose between the two authors, and Pedersen had to leave the project in 2016. The sculptor Kadziola is currently working on completing the work. In 2020, the work consisted of five finished stones, one unfinished and four roughly hewn stones. The five finished stones have the names Baldur, Lodir, Ydis, L'nir and L'dis. The dodecahedron is scheduled for completion in 2025. In 2017, composer Wayne Siegel entered the art project and has the task of programming and developing the sound side of the work.
    The Twelve Stones
    Baldur: Also called Balder, an almost unnaturally handsome man whom everyone, and not least the women, adored. The Greeks later called him "Adonis", and he did not like to fight, but liked to walk around naked in the summer. He was not very good at singing, but still participated in the choir. Raised on site June 21, 2014. The stone is black diabase.
    Lodir : Lolnir's brother and with the lolers he who looked after the fire and therefore was also a little dangerous to associate with. Raised on site June 21, 2014. The stone is black diabase.
    Ydis : (see possibly Idun). Traveled on site June 1, 2016.
    L'nir : (se evt. Lolnir). Raised on site September 30, 2018. The stone is red granite.
    Untitled: Traveled on site September 30, 2018.
    L'dis: Traveled on site 28 May 2020.
    Lolnir : The legendary chief of the Lols who invented the runes and thus the written language. [...] Lolnir / Odin is in mythology the same figure as Zeus and sometimes Apollo. He personifies the masculine, acting principle, and like Apollo, he often roamed alone for months.
    Idun (the White): Probably one of Baldur's daughters.

    • 12. August 2020

  • Einfach mysteriös und mystisch

    • 21. September 2020

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Ort: Lolland, Dänemark

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