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Easy fairly flat spin along the scenic yet busy eastern shore of Lago di Garda heading north from Torri del Banaco to Torbole. This ride could also be the ideal warm-up for Punta Veleno if you are feeling brave, you will pass the turn for this incredibly


Easy fairly flat spin along the scenic yet busy eastern shore of Lago di Garda heading north from Torri del Banaco to Torbole. This ride could also be the ideal warm-up for Punta Veleno if you are feeling brave, you will pass the turn for this incredibly

Easy fairly flat spin along the scenic yet busy eastern shore of Lago di Garda heading north from Torri del Banaco to Torbole. This ride could also be the ideal warm-up for Punta Veleno if you are feeling brave, you will pass the turn for this incredibly

36,7 km
34,3 km/h
100 m
80 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


36,7 km





war Rennrad fahren.

23. September 2020

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