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Asiago Loop - Mtb loop of the Asiago Plateau


Asiago Loop - Mtb loop of the Asiago Plateau

Veneto Trail

Asiago Loop - Mtb loop of the Asiago Plateau

Collection von Veneto Trail

5 Touren

37:29 Std

575 km

13 870 m

The Asiago Loop is a weekend (2-3 days) bikepacking route that takes in the incredibly scenic Asiago Plateau via a mix of gravel roads, singletrack trails, and remote two-track that traverses the area's limestone cliffs, alpine pastures, and rich history. The route begins and ends in the village of Asiago, the principal town of the area, which is located in the center of the plateau. The loop is comprised of two main sections: the northern area is characterized by karst phenomena and higher altitudes; and the southern area is more forested but full of nice views of the flatland and malghe, the region’s alpine pastures and farmland.If for any reason you don't have the time to ride the entire loop you can find the northern (harder - better for Mtb) and southern (Easier - suitable for gravel) loops.

Auf der Karte



  1. The Asiago Loop

    196 km
    -- km/h
    5 540 m
    5 540 m
  2. 12:06
    120 km
    9,9 km/h
    2 810 m
    2 810 m

    Tolle Fahrt. Das schönste des Plateaus und eines der schönsten, die ich je gemacht habe

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 10:44
    95,2 km
    8,9 km/h
    2 580 m
    1 940 m
  5. 08:51
    101 km
    11,4 km/h
    1 770 m
    2 420 m

Dir gefällt diese Collection?




  • Touren
  • Distanz
    575 km
  • Zeit
    37:29 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    13 870 m

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