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William Crampton

Ride to Whiston, then Halebank and Pickering's Pasture. along the TPT past Spikey and up to the Ferry Tavern. Then home via Vicky Park to get to 25m.

William Crampton

Ride to Whiston, then Halebank and Pickering's Pasture. along the TPT past Spikey and up to the Ferry Tavern. Then home via Vicky Park to get to 25m.

Ride to Whiston, then Halebank and Pickering's Pasture. along the TPT past Spikey and up to the Ferry Tavern. Then home via Vicky Park to get to 25m.

40,5 km
21,0 km/h
230 m
230 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


20,3 km
22,8 km

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40,5 km



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war Fahrrad fahren.

7. Mai 2024


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