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Work home commute #No38 - Same route as last night as the canal won’t only be puncture alley but also pissed up Friday night drinkers alley! Bloody got told off for my game changers 💡! Eh how else do I see where I’m going 🔔 🔚 Yuff of today eh


Work home commute #No38 - Same route as last night as the canal won’t only be puncture alley but also pissed up Friday night drinkers alley! Bloody got told off for my game changers 💡! Eh how else do I see where I’m going 🔔 🔚 Yuff of today eh

Work home commute #No38 - Same route as last night as the canal won’t only be puncture alley but also pissed up Friday night drinkers alley! Bloody got told off for my game changers 💡! Eh how else do I see where I’m going 🔔 🔚 Yuff of today eh

8,06 km
23,9 km/h
30 m
30 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


4,00 km
5,35 km
6,30 km
6,44 km
8,06 km



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war Rennrad fahren.

10. Mai 2024


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