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Paul Bardot

The Queen of Iceland, DAY 1 #RideCampRide

Paul Bardot

The Queen of Iceland, DAY 1 #RideCampRide

The Queen of Iceland, DAY 1 #RideCampRide

71,6 km
14,1 km/h
340 m
210 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


21 m
This tiny red dot is my car, where I slept before starting the next day.
The nameless crater, gate to the highlands, next to road F88 and N1 (main road around Iceland).
Outer side of the "Coliseum" shaped volcano next to road F88 an N1 (Main road in Iceland).
This is the magnificent "Coliseum" volcano next to the start of the F88...
3,87 km
My starting point, the volcano we see in this miserable weather, where I took pictures the day before.
9,72 km
We should name this crater the "Coliseum", truly the same shape, but bigger!
South East view, the direction I took the day after I slept in my car
18,4 km
After a miserable weather facing the rain and headwind, I see the sun, yepee!
21,2 km
I can feel the sun trough two layers of wool and a jacket... Feeling better, with Herðubreið in sight!
22,8 km
This is the best you can expect on the F88!
24,7 km
This is where is started to guet nerve wrecking : When the wheel dig in the sand...
29,4 km
The queen of Iceland is deceptive... It might look close, but it standing so high above the plain that it never seems to be closer.
30,5 km
Few hours after starting, the wind is still terrible, but the sun shine!
34,0 km
There was no rain, but a halo effect happened with fine sand particles, creating this dust rainbow. Marvelous!
35,7 km
The immense Vatnajökull National Park.
38,3 km
40,6 km
Jökulsá á Fjöllum, the 200+ km river.
A dream for gravel riders of all kinds...
#Vintage expedition!
#Vintage expedition !
48,7 km
*Ahem* Things start to guet serious! Or not...
After the first river crossing.
49,6 km
After a glimpse of lush green, back into reallity, still more than 20 km in the desert...
55,5 km
Flat, endlessly flat...
60,7 km
The epic lava field segment to Herðubreið!
61,6 km
The last 10 km lead to cabin and campsite next to Þorsteinsskáli and Herðubreið. They are epic!
67,1 km
The sand storm is coming...
69,1 km
I arrive to Þorsteinsskáli in the sand storm, glad that I brought a scarf!
70,0 km
Rivers run hidden below the lava fields to burst out at this eden below Herðubreið.
Rivers run hidden below the lava fields to burst out at this eden below Herðubreið.
71,5 km
This brige allow cyclists and hikers to cross the last river before the cabin with dry feet!
The dry lands at the foot of Herðubreið. The flora seems to fight a losing battle there.
The Risotto is almost ready!
The lava fields next to Herðubreið at dawn.
This was my last picture before my old camera died...
No wonder why she is called the Queen moutain of Iceland...
Sunset over her majesty Herðubreið.
The electricity at Þorsteinsskáli cabin is coming from a pocket turbine generator!
71,6 km



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und waren Fahrrad fahren.

5. September 2021


  • 7. September 2021

    Es gibt einen Berg, weit, weit entfernt im Hochland in Island, tief in einem öden Land aus Lava, Sand und Asche. Die Isländer nennen ihn Herðubreið, aber sie nennen ihn auch den Königinnenberg. Nicht weil es das höchste oder das spektakulärste ist, aber dieses ist wahrscheinlich das schönste. Und ich

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  • 7. September 2021

    Mit diesem großen Moralschub trete ich trotz Gegenwind kräftig in die Pedale. Nach einigen weiteren Kilometern einer rauen, aber lustigen Fahrt auf einem kurvenreichen Lavafeldweg, zweite Flussüberquerung! Diesmal jedoch kein handlicher Superjeep in Sicht. Ich ziehe meine Socken aus, binde meine Schuhe

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