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Nils Laengner hat diesen Ort mit komoot entdeckt!

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Nils Laengner

Tragedy and violence certainly make powerful images. But there is a price extracted with every such frame: some of the emotion, the vulnerability, the empathy that makes us human, is lost every time the shutter is released.

Nils Laengner

Tragedy and violence certainly make powerful images. But there is a price extracted with every such frame: some of the emotion, the vulnerability, the empathy that makes us human, is lost every time the shutter is released.

Tragedy and violence certainly make powerful images. But there is a price extracted with every such frame: some of the emotion, the vulnerability, the empathy that makes us human, is lost every time the shutter is released.

178 km
14,7 km/h
3 130 m
3 150 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


178 km



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war mountainbiken.

30. März 2021


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