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Weekender from Boston. Otter River State Park and back


Weekender from Boston. Otter River State Park and back


Weekender from Boston. Otter River State Park and back

Collection von Adam



6-7 Std

/ Tag

232 km

2 590 m

2 640 m

Looking for a change of scenery, this is a doable, but challenging weekender trip from Boston. The route winds out of Boston, eventually hitting some lovely, quieter roads. The climbs however, are all in the tail as you go around Wachusett Mt. Otter River State Park is a great campsite, small, clean and well run - and tents only. The typical issue for US campsites though, is the nearby towns. Basically, if you bike in, Baldwinville is very limited for food options. There’s a Dunkin’ Donuts in town, which is the breakfast stop, and in reverse of the previous day, the start is a lot more downhill, and overall a nicer route because you get to see the views which were behind you yesterday! A little dirt section in Wachusett State Park, and eventually heading back through Hopkinton into Boston.

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  1. Day one, to Otter River camping

    109 km
    21,2 km/h
    1 290 m
    1 080 m
  2. 05:42
    123 km
    21,6 km/h
    1 300 m
    1 550 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    232 km
  • Zeit
    10:50 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 590 m2 640 m

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